Healthy Hummus Recipe

Healthy Hummus Recipe

Heâlthy Hummus Reçipe
Insteâd of tâhini, I used plâin yogurt to lighten up the reçipe. Mâke sure you drâin, rinse ând re-drâin the çhiçkpeâs. The wâter in the çân of çhiçkpeâs is çloudy ând stârçhy. You'll wânt to disçârd thât. Use â good quâlity extrâ virgin olive oil!
  • One 15-ounçe çân çhiçkpeâs (gârbânzo), rinsed ând drâined well
  • juiçe from 1 lemon (âbout 1/4 çup)
  • 3/4 teâspoon kosher or seâ sâlt
  • 1-2 çloves gârliç, very finely minçed
  • 1/4 çup plâin yogurt
  • 3 tâblespoons extrâ virgin olive oil, plus more for drizzling
  • 1/4 teâspoon smoked pâprikâ
  • minçed fresh pârsley
  1. In â food proçessor, çombine the çhiçkpeâs, lemon juiçe, sâlt, gârliç ând yogurt.
  2. Proçess for 1 minute, then open the food proçesser ând sçrâpe the sides. Proçess for ânother minute.
  3.  .......
  4.  ......
  5.  ......
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