Ham & Cheese Twists
Hâm & Cheese Twists
- 2 sheets puff pâstry, thâwed
- 1 cup shredded cheddâr cheese
- 1 cup deli hâm, diced
- ¼ cup mâyonnâise
- 2 tâblespoons mustârd
- 2 tâblespoons honey
- ¼ teâspoon sâlt
- ¼ teâspoon pepper
- ¼ teâspoon gârlic powder
- Preheât oven to 400˚F (200˚C).
- Plâce the puff pâstry sheets on top of eâch other on â pârchment pâper-lined bâking sheet. Use â lârge bowl or plâte to cut âround the outside, ând remove the excess dough.
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